
Admission profile

Useful prior knowledge

  • To know and appreciate all aspects related to the world of social intervention and social services, sociology, social anthropology, psychology, law, health and pedagogy.

Useful personal attributes

  • Motivation to work with people and collectives with social difficulties.
  • Sensitivity to and respect for the individual and collective differences.
  • Dynamism, empathy and social skills for communication with people.

Admissions options

Pre-registration and admission procedure

The Inter-university Council of Catalonia (CIC) is the body that coordinates the university system in Catalonia. It acts as an advisory body for the Government of Catalonia in university-related matters. It is made up of representatives from all the state and private universities in Catalonia.

The coordination of the University’s admissions process is a strategic priority of the Catalan Inter-university Council (CIC), which seeks to ensure that secondary school and mature students are able to access universities through a process that respects the principles of public access, equality, merit and capacity. It likewise seeks to guarantee equal opportunities in the allocation of places to students.

The University of Lleida has also set up an Orientation, Information and Advice Programme for future students, university students, parents and teachers. It undertakes the following initiatives: 

  • Presentation of studies and diffusion of the tasks in the university activities through (diffusion of informative leaflets distributed to material to high schools, conferences aimed at informing, conferences aimed at academic orientation activities and presentations of on the different UdL’s faculties and schools).
  • Activities to motivate potential students to embark on a enhance university career.
  • Visits to the University of Lleida (open days  and specific visits).
  • Participating activities forWorkshops for secondary school students.

The ways of access to the Degree, as the previous studies are:

  • Students with PAU and similar
  • Students with upper technical title of professional training
  • Students with foreign studies
  • Titled university and similar
  • Students with the proof of access for main of 25 years
  • Students with the proof of access for main of 45 years

Career opportunities

The main areas of activity of social workers are:

  • Social services: basic and primary social care, permanent care to attend social emergencies, help and home care, specialized social services, care for the homeless, old-age care, care for children and the family, care for women, care for people with disabilities, reception and social care for immigrants and refugees.
  • Health: health centers or primary health care services, home social health care, general hospitals, maternity and infant hospitals, social health centers, mental health services, drug addiction care.
  • Education: psychopedagogical and social assistance to the teams of the school centers and secondary education institutes, school and family mediation, workshop schools and other initiatives aimed at compensating socio-educational deficits.

  • Justice: technical services for psychosocial assessment, mediation with the victim, programs to monitor environmental measures, centers d'internament for minor offenders, penitentiary institutions, etc.

  • Company: attention and social benefits to the workers of certain companies that have a service.

  • Housing: promotion programs, study and award of social protection housing, community revitalization of newly built neighborhoods or in the process of remodeling, urban planning.

  • Third sector: an area in integrated expansion for non-profit organizations and entities that work against social exclusion with preventive, assistance programs, etc.

  • Areas of social planning and programming: strategic planning of wellness services, organizational analysis and development, advice on social welfare policies, social marketing, communication and image related to social issues, etc.